For my friends in Bristol

My dear friends, I would like to keep in touch with all of you and I thought that a blog would be a good idea. One of my friends is helping me because I am not very good with new technologies. I like putting my feelings and my experiences into words, what the Lord is making of me. The blog’s title is “Mission as a challenge”.  Once I heard in a course that life is a mission, and these words were a big discovery for me. They gave meaning to my life when I was studying, when I was looking after my parents, when I was in Bristol studying English. So all my life has been called to proclaim the love of God, and at this time I am feeling called to proclaim this Love to my brothers and sisters in Cambodia. I will try to let you know about this experience. All of you made me learn a lot more than English. I will take all of you in my heart. I hope you won’t be bored and I will manage to carry on with this.

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